Ice Comb - a set on Flickr
Ice Comb - a set on Flickr
A new web friend was experimenting with ice molds and it reminded me to post the link to this set of photos of my first attempts with making ice combs with my new ice shaver.
I picked this guy up at K-mart for about $20. I've also seen them at Target. Heck they might be on clearance sale by now. It comes with an plastic cup to make a big smooth ice cube to go in the top compartment. It works well, but you can just use regular ice. The big smooth cube might make a little less noise, but it's still plenty noisy.
The result is snowlike. It's easy to mold. the only problem is frozen fingers.
This was probably the best of the first batch. Don't know why I didn't take a shot with the cocktail in the glass.
Oh yeah, after all that work I really wanted to drink it and not stop for photos. Anyway, it sure kept the drink cold. Maybe I'll have to experiment again. It is Friday after all.
Of course, you could stop by and see Tiare's wonderful cocktails and her first experiment with ice molding.