Thursday, June 01, 2006


Amazing river style visualization of flickr tags over time. The date is displayed at the top of the page, and scrolls from left to right starting at June 4, 2004 to September 16, 2005. Popular photo tags stream by from right to left with the size indicating popularity. Thumbnails appear. Clicking on a tag stops it momentarily and adds a few pictures with the tag, more clicks yield more pictures. Overall the tag sizes grow over time with the expansion of flickr overall (or at least that's what I think is going on). You can see special events popping up like holidays, and lots of geekfests, as well as different memes over time. Notice the controls at the bottom. You can pause, jump by months, change the speed, and change the visualization to something more static and easier to follow (but not as mesmerizing).

Via Information Aesthetics

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